Collective Resilience

Holistic approach for tackling social challenges.

Holistic Relief Organization (HRO) is a civil society organization established on May 17, 2024, under ACSO proclamation 1113/2019, with registration number 7264. HRO is mandated to operate in various regions of the country, focusing on humanitarian aid, development initiatives, and human rights advocacy.

Our Mission

To provide humanitarian assistance, promote sustainable development, and advocate for the protection and realization of human rights.

Our Vision

Empowering communities, upholding human dignity, and fostering sustainable development for a just and equitable world.

Human Right

  • Protect and promote human rights, including the rights of women, children, and marginalized groups.
  • Strengthen legal frameworks and institutions to ensure access to justice and accountability.
  • Raise awareness and advocate for human rights principles and values in communities.


  • Promote sustainable livelihoods and economic empowerment for vulnerable populations.
  • Improve access to essential services such as healthcare, education, and clean water.
  • Enhance infrastructure development and resilience to climate change impacts.

Emergency Response

  • Ensure timely and effective emergency assistance to vulnerable communities during crises.
  • Strengthen disaster preparedness and response capacities at the community level.
  • Reduce the impact of disasters on lives, livelihoods, and infrastructure.

Thematic areas

Food Security

HRO works in the Food Security and Nutrition sectors to promote sustainable food practices and enhance food availability throughout the year. Our initiatives include promoting food processing and preservation, introducing conditional food assistance to incentivize community infrastructure rehabilitation, and supporting climate-smart agriculture in drought-prone areas. We also focus on researching crops that are resilient to climate shocks, improving resilience to uneven or erratic rainfall through the expansion of irrigation and water harvesting systems, and supporting agricultural initiatives that empower women, as they are disproportionately affected by drought. These efforts aim to build stronger, more resilient communities capable of withstanding and adapting to environmental challenges.


In light of these challenges, HRO Strategic plan for emergency and development health care services aims to build on the existing efforts of the Ethiopian health care system. This plan outlines strategic goals and specific activities designed to enhance the system’s capacity to respond to emergencies and foster sustainable development in health care delivery. By aligning with national health priorities and leveraging community involvement, we aim to achieve significant improvements in health outcomes and service delivery in our target communities. HRO's Emergency and Development Health plan focuses on delivering comprehensive primary health care services. Our approach integrates emergency response and sustainable development initiatives to ensure communities receive timely and effective medical care.


Creating an annual strategic plan for Education in Emergencies (EiE) and development involves several key steps to ensure that the plan is comprehensive, actionable, and aligned with the goals of providing quality education in crisis-affected areas.

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene

HRO ensures that the Ethiopian population, especially women, children, adolescent girls, and vulnerable groups, have equitable access to safely managed water supply and sanitation services, end open defecation, and adopt appropriate hygiene practices, including menstrual health and hygiene, in households, communities and institutions in rural and urban areas. The Holistic Relief Organization (HRO) is actively working to support communities in Ethiopia by enhancing access to basic water and sanitation services.


The humanitarian crises distinctly affect women and girls economically and in practices related to sociocultural norms, beliefs, and behaviors. The legal, institutional, and policy environment for the equal protection of genders is improving, though, more work is required to enforce them as some gender equality gains of the past decades are declining due to slow implementation in a context of multi-layered vulnerabilities due to often overlapping shocks.

Gender Based Violence

The HRO will work with protection stakeholders, community-based structures and non-protection actors to identify the most vulnerable ones and address their protection needs.

Emergency Shelter / Non-Food Items (ES/NFI)

The HRO will support to the population's needs, considering displacement status (IDPs, returnees, and affected population within the community), settlement type, weather conditions, potential vulnerabilities, and opportunities to provide efficient responses.

Food Security and Livelihoods

Given the situation, the humanitarian community is urgently requesting support to bolster the agriculture sector, aiming to enhance food security and livelihood activities.

Peace Buildings and Conflict Resolution

HRO works toward a secure free and peaceful nation in the country. Attaining this is however dependent upon a process that seeks to provide all the stakeholders with an opportunity to actively participate in a broad based peace building and conflict resolution process.

Legal Documents

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Support Our Cause

Help our organization by donating today! All donations go directly to making a difference for our cause.

With your donation
The needs of refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs), and affected host communities in Ethiopia will be supported with lifesaving humanitarian and development supports

Bank Name :- Cooperative Bank of Oromia
Branch :- Wayu Branch
Account No :- 101580015588
Swift code :- CBORETAA